




N.C. 市政365足彩下载和我们的健康福利信托基金(HBT)正在举行一个在线焦点小组, 我们需要你的帮助!


By participating and sharing your candid feedback ​about group health insurance, 365足彩下载的健康福利信托基金, and/or what your municipality needs from a health insurance company, 你将有助于使未来的HBT覆盖选择更好地覆盖全州所有城镇. 12月11日上午11点 to participate in the online focus group - it's easy, just type your honest responses to the discussion questions. 回答是匿名的.  

加-为你的帮助赚25美元! The first 100 participants to complete the focus group, will receive a $25 Amazon gift card as a token of our appreciation!


This past April was a bad month for cybersecurity in local governments. 有 多起攻击报告 that led to shutdowns of services, including critical public safety functions. Although municipalities have been targets of cyberattacks previously, both the frequency of the attacks and their consequences have increased. 市政当局越来越依赖计算机网络向居民提供服务, 随着他们建设“智慧城市”基础设施, the impacts of outages are truly felt in the real world.​

It's important to implement good informative security practices. It's also important to recognize that you can't achieve 100 percent security; there will always be a new vulnerability or gap.

因此, 对于市政当局来说,在恶意软件攻击导致中断时,制定事件响应计划来指导他们的行动是至关重要的. 这是你的 灾难恢复计划; in addition to a strategy for bringing systems back on line, you'll need a process to identify data that's been exposed or tampered with, 还有一种最小化对公众影响的方法. “谁会对我们感兴趣”的心态?不再可行.

这对我们所有的城市和城镇都是必不可少的, 从小到大, to remain vigilant in preventing a cyberattack by deploying firew所有s, 杀毒软件和冗余计划,以及培训市政雇员安全计算实践. 最近的数据显示,员工疏忽或渎职已成为数据泄露的首要原因. 

Our property and liability trust continues to partner with Beazley, to provide our members with cyber insurance coverage. The cyber policy automatic所有y provides a per-member cyber limit of $100,000, with the option for members to purchase higher limits if needed.

总之, 作为IRFFNC/Beazley保单持有人, 会员可以访问包含宝贵资源的专有风险管理网站, 例如隐私政策和程序示例, 违规反应和准备材料以及州和联邦法规更新. www.beazleybreachsolutions.com,

如果你已经在 www.beazleybreachsolutions.com,你毋须重新注册. If you have not, you will need to register the first time you visit the site. Please use your business email address and your activation code, XXXXXX. You will only need this code the first time you logon. 在随后的访问中,只需使用您第一次访问该网站时创建的密码. If you need assistance with registration please email bbrservices@beazley.com  or contact your NCLM IRFFNC underwriters: UW Email: RMSUnderwriting@joyerianicaragua.com​.

为什么遵守政策、标准操作程序和书面指示很重要? ​

A 城市的员工, referred to as “John Smith" for the purposes of this article, was hired by a North Carolina municipal police department. Soon after, he was promoted to the rank of corporal. Four years after that, John Smith sought a promotion to sergeant. Smith tested for the position and did not receive a passing score. 这名员工查看了一份测试副本,发现答案是基于过时的法律. 史密斯就考试答案的差异提出申诉,但申诉听证会被拒绝.

Smith sought legal action and asserted that the city violated Article I, 北卡罗来纳州宪法第19条, which states that we “hold it to be self-evident that 所有 persons are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, 自由, 享受 自己劳动的果实以及对幸福的追求.N.C. 上诉法院多数人得出结论,“政府实体制定和颁布政策和程序,然后不遵守这些政策和程序,本质上是武断的。, 但进一步说,受这些政策和程序约束的员工无权质疑这种失败.多数人还表示,“非理性和武断”的政府行为违反了“他们自己的劳动成果”条款."

What does this mean for local government employers? The opinion of the courts is not limited to just promotional processes; rather, 它的范围要广得多, 包括所有保单, standard operating procedures and written directives. Local government employers need to be aware that it is a violation of the North Carolina Constitution if the following occurs: (1) a public employer has a clear employment rule or policy; (2) the employer violates that rule or policy; and (3) the employee suffers an adverse consequence.

What can local governments do to prevent “自己劳动的果实" claims? 遵循 所有 policies, standard operating procedures and written directives. 有时,地方政府可能会忘记已有的政策,或者干脆不遵守政策. 避免“自己的劳动成果”的说法, 如果该政策不再适用,地方政府可能会考虑更新或取消该政策.

如果您对上述案例场景的适用性有疑问和意见, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources Consultants, 希瑟·詹姆斯(hjames@joyerianicaragua.com)或Hartwell Wright (hwright@nclm).Org)获取更多信息. 



Municipalities invest large sums into maintaining our roads and sidewalks, 但鉴于服务需求之高, 他们的日常状态可以不受控制. 问题很快就会出现. 交通密集的地区会出现不平整的表面. 因此,这些地方资产可能成为潜在索赔的最大风险敞口之一.

现在, 值得注意的是,市政当局并不需要保持人行道和路面完全平坦. Level and defect-free sidewalks are often unattainable, and certain differences in surface elevations are not only acceptable, 但在热门地区,这是意料之中的, 比如市中心.

That being said, these issues should not be ignored. 制定检查方案是很重要的,这样可以解决危险并确定优先级. A system should be in place 所有owing observers—whether that be police, 公用事业部门, 或者公民——很容易报告一个关注的领域. 这些报告将被编目, and each individual concern would lead to an initial inspection, 调查结果记录, 以及未来的行动计划.

After those steps are taken, the municipality's determination should be recorded. 对于重要的问题, where the municipality concludes that further action is needed, then the public needs to be made aware of the concern. 视锥细胞, 路障, 或者在确定潜在危险区域后,应使用胶带标记潜在危险区域, 维修应尽可能及时.

如果该地区发生了事故, it is important to report this to the NCLM Claims Department immediately, 因此,我们的工作人员可以进行调查,以确定是否存在向市政当局索赔的风险. 如果有任何补救措施, 在用警告装置标记之前,一定要对该区域进行拍照和测量. 这些信息可以在确定是否存在向市政当局暴露的故障方面发挥巨大作用.

It is in these cases that the above-mentioned record-keeping system is critical. 当后, the municipality will have documentation on 所有 reported issues, 随后的检查和决定, 并解释针对该问题采取了或没有采取哪些行动.

最重要的是,如果发生跌倒或受伤,立即通知NCLM索赔. 我们的工作人员随时可以讨论任何问题,我们鼓励您与我们联系这些问题.​


北卡罗莱纳州终于迎来了秋天! What a great time to get outside in the cooler air for a little exercise! This time of the year is perfect for checking out a new hiking trail, 或者在后院耙那些树叶, but most importantly just it's a great time to get outside! 

This is also a good time of year to check in with your health. 你做年度体检了吗? 那些适合年龄的癌症筛查呢? 别忘了你的眼睛和牙齿. Regular eye and dental exams are a critical part of preventative health care. Many times, these exams can detect early onset of a variety of diseases (i.e., high blood pressure, stroke, thyroid disorders, cancer, arthritis, diabetes).

NCLM健康福利信托基金(HBT)成员, 请注意Medcost的邮件, our third-party administrator for the Health Benefits Trust. 从9月份开始,每月都会发送有关健康要求的提醒. 为避免违反规定,雇员须缴付10%附加费(为期12个月), 在日历年结束之前进行这些检查,并接受您的个人护理管理护士的任何电话. 

​For further information pertaining to the HBT's wellness requirements, please contact HBT staff or Medcost customer service.


关于接受工伤赔偿, 在7天的等待期过后,受伤工人仍然残疾, indemnity benefits are paid based on two-thirds of the average weekly wage. 平均周薪是按受伤工人受伤前52周的平均工资计算. This would include overtime, bonuses, cost-of-living adjustment, et cetera. Once the average weekly wage is set, it will not change for the life of the claim. 

The current maximum weekly compensation rate is $1,028; for 2020 it will increase to $1,066.  最低赔偿仍为30美元. 工人补偿福利不征税.

由于临时限制,受伤工人完全不能工作或不能重返工作岗位, that worker is paid Temporary Total Disability benefits on a weekly basis.  This would be the two-thirds of the average weekly wage. 当受伤的工人能够返回工作岗位,但由于限制收入低于每周平均工资, medical appointments or limits on job availability, 我们将支付暂时性部分残疾, 这基本上弥补了工资差异. 病假和休假不能代替工人的补偿福利.

The League does offer electronic payment of these weekly benefits. 表格邮寄给受伤的工人填写. 如果对这个过程有任何疑问, please feel free to contact the Workers' Compensation department. ​